quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011

Learn the ancient craft of Golden Snitch making

The Golden Snitch
Learn the ancient craft of Golden Snitch making

flying snitch

Perhaps you should wear gloves to make your Golden Snitch. After all it is usual for the snitch maker to do so, so that he or she does not touch the ball during manufacture. The snitch remembers who first touched it. In most cases this is the seeker who catches it, and it would do to have it confused by the touch of its maker.

william chases golden snitch

This snitch is very easy to make. It's made from two table tennis balls glued round each other and spray or painted with gold paint. I have tried three different types of gold finish: Brilliant Metallic spray (the best), gold marker pen (not bad) and regular gold spray paint (too dull for me). I didn’t try gold leaf, but I imagine that that would look amazing. If you want you can distress your finished snitch a slightly by painting some black acrylic paint on to the finished (and completely dry) snitch and the wiping it off so that the black stays in the cracks and corners. For me I think that the brand new shiny snitch looks better… I mean, doesn’t it look so cool.

golden snitch on velvet

Your full, How-to-Make a Golden Snitch instructions are available in both A4 and US Letter format PDFs and can be easily downloaded by just clicking on size you want to download.

make your own golden snitch fantastic craft downloads from dadcando download an A4 printable from dadcandodownload US Letter printable from dadcando


Your downloaded projects

yoyomax12's The Golden Snitch
Posted by yoyomax12 - My Golden Snitch. I used paper wings crimped and painted gold.Spacer
tristanzdad's The Golden Snitch
Posted by tristanzdad - Our second Dadcando project. My son loves his Snitch!Spacer
onegirl's The Golden Snitch
Posted by onegirl - I didn't follow your process exactly, but was inspired by it. The snitch had to open up - it contained the "clue" poem that the kids would need to start them off on a hunt for their spellbooks. Spacer
Escere's The Golden Snitch
Posted by Escere - I forgot to do the reverse image part... but that's ok.Spacer
juliet's The Golden Snitch
Posted by juliet - This is my second snitch model, made according to your instructions.Spacer
juliet's The Golden Snitch
Posted by juliet - this is my first model of a snitch which I made with a table-tennis ball and some gold easter-egg wrapping. For the wings, I stuck a tooth-pick down the center of the ball and taped paper wings to it Spacer
mustang2044's The Golden Snitch
Posted by mustang2044 - For the Wings i used craft feathers and trimed them to the right shape.Spacer
antigherkin's The Golden Snitch
Posted by antigherkin - Spacer

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