domingo, 24 de julho de 2011


Gente...acho que essa vai ser minha ultima postagem por aqui...então vou deixar um final emocionante pra vcs...Mais Vai ter sespense...Ahh! e uma perguntinha...Bom... como será o final?

Impossível imaginar o final que vai sair da cabecinha genial da J.K.Rowling. O que deixa o final da trama melhor é isso... a dúvida.. quem será que irá morrer? Snape é bom? , será mesmo que a morte de Dumbledore foi um plano tramando por ele e Severo mas afinal, percebe-se que Snape finge ser fiel para Dumbledore e Voldemort... de qual lado ele sempre esteve??? ), a identidade de RAB já foi revelada, ele é mesmo Regulo Black... em muitas coisas por aí para serem desvendadas!!! É o mistério da curiosidade.. e do sucesso de JK!!
O que sabemos sobre o sétimo livro é:
* A última palavra do sétimo livro é "scar" (cicatriz ).
* O último capítulo já está escrito há vários anos, e vai funcionar como um epílogo, onde o destino dos personagens sobreviventes será revelado.
* Apesar da série inteira estar planejada desde o início, alguns detalhes sofreram mudanças. "A história teve algumas viradas e reviravoltas, que eu talvez não esperase, mas ainda está nos trilhos", declara JK.
* A história do 7º livro se passará em 1997.
* Harry voltará para a casa dos Dursleys uma última vez antes do seu 17º aniversário. Ele planeja visitar Godric's Hollow e também cuidar de Gui que estará se casando com Fleur em julho.
* Harry fará 17 anos no dia 31/07/97, então será maior de idade no mundo bruxo e velho o bastante para obter uma licença de Aparatação. Neville Longbottom será igualmente maior de idade ao término do mês de julho de 1997. Rony e Hermione já têm 17 anos.
* Umbridge voltará, mas não como professora.
* Saberemos mais sobre a vida e a família de Dumbledore.
* Algo incrivelmente importante sobre Lilian Potter será revelado por Remo Lupin.
* Vai haver uma participação dos criadores das 4 Casas de Hogwarts.
* Conheceremos a real história de Voldemort.
* Conheceremos mais sobre qual feitiço Dumbledore lançou em Voldemort no Departamento de Mistérios.
* Perguntas que JK se negou a responder, com seus "sem comentário" ou "ótima pergunta, que infelizmente não puderei responder", e que possam ter envolvimento com o Livro 7.
· Onde está a moto voadora que Sirius deu a Hagrid?
· O que Duda vê quando encara os dementadores?
· Saberemos mais sobre a importância do formato da cicatriz de Harry? ("O formato não é o mais importante da cicatriz" foi sua resposta).
Havia mais alguém presente em Godric´s Hollow na noite em que os pais de Harry foram mortos?
· Qual era a profissão dos pais de Harry antes de serem mortos por Voldemort?
· No quarto livro, quando Harry conta a Dumbledore sobre sua luta contra Voldemort e como o Lorde das Trevas podia tocá-lo após pegar o sangue de Potter, o jovem bruxo pensa ter visto Dumbledore sorrindo levemente. Por quê?
· Há algo escondido no fato de aparecerem tantos gatos, com os da Sra. Figg, o bichento e outros, nos livros?
· Por que Dumbledore confiava em Snape? (apesar de não ter respondido totalmente, JK disse que Snape contou sua história e Dumbledore acreditou).
· Hogwarts permanecerá aberta? Harry retornará?( A resposta mais provável para ambas as perguntas é não. Voldemort mostrará as caras com a morte do diretor (?!) Mesmo que o improvável aconteça e Hogwarts permaneça aberta, Harry provavelmente não voltará, pois a trama do sétimo livro será em torno da busca e destruição das Horcruxes, de modo que ficaria difícil caso Harry voltasse. Além disso, JK já afirmou que não haverá mais partidas de quadribol, dando mais força à hipótese de um sétimo livro sem Hogwarts.)
· Havia mais alguém presente em Godric´s Hollow na noite em que os pais de Harry foram mortos?
. Como Dumbledore tinha tanta certeza do que acontecera lá dentro? Como ele saberia que Voldemort tentou matar Harry, ou que Voldemort havia sido de fato destruído? Como Voldemort recuperou sua varinha? Além do mais, a relutância de JK em responder essa pergunta dá cada vez mais força de que realmente havia alguém na noite do assassinato.
· Se Dumbledore tinha o poder de ficar invisível, por que a capa de invisibilidade foi deixada com ele antes da morte dos Potter?
Bem, essa é uma pergunta difícil de se responder, até mesmo por que JK declarou que a resposta era algo crucial. Porém, podemos analisar alguns pontos. Se nos colocarmos no lugar dos Potter, veremos que a Capa de Invisibilidade era uma ferramenta crucial para que eles pudessem se esconder, o que transforma o fato ainda mais estranho. Uma possível resposta é que eles já previram sua morte, dando a capa a Dumbledore para que ele a deixasse com Harry, mas aí é que está. Ninguém poderia imaginar que Tiago e Lilian iriam morrer e o Harry sobreviver. A profecia alertava Voldemort sobre Harry, e era ele seu objetivo de matar. Caso Voldemot conseguisse de fato matar os Potter, Harry estaria perdido. Ou seja, não tem a menor lógica "guardar" uma capa de invisibilidade para uma pessoa prestes a morrer enquanto a capa seria de extrema importância para que ela pudesse sobreviver. Podemos supor que a capa era usada para esconder outra coisa (talvez um objeto) pertencente a Dumbledore, ou que ela estava sendo usada pela Ordem da Fênix. Mas seja para o que for, era algo de extrema importância.
· Snape é do bem ou do mal?
Esse talvez seja o tópico mais discutido quanto ao futuro da série, e JK foi tão ambigua em muitas passagens do Enigma do Príncipe que existem argumentos dos dois lados. O "por favor" de Dumbledore antes de morrer pode ter servido tanto para pedir clemência como para pedir que Snape o matasse. A discussão na floresta entre os dois assume as mesmas características. A certeza de Dumbledore de que não estava sendo traído na torre, pouco antes de morrer, nos sugere que tudo aquilo realmente foi um plano, da mesma maneira que a certeza com que Malfoy dizia que o diretor havia sido enganado reforçava ainda mais o lado de Snape nessa história. O fato é que Snape esteve trabalhando para ambos os lados esse tempo todo, mas somente um deles ele se manteve fiel. Qual? Bem, siga sua intuição.
* Acho que morre HP e Voldemort no último livro! A J.K. Roling já decidiu 2 coisas sobre o fim da saga: provar a inocência de Sirius Black e que Hermione termina com Rony e imagina-se que Harry termina com a Gina ( caso ela não se sacrifique por amor ao HP. Se não ter que se sacrificar por ser a última Horcruxe - repito: penso que o último pedaço da alma de Voldemort está na cicatriz de HP, por isso ele entra na mente do Lord das Trevas e vice-versa )
Muitos pensam que Gina é uma horcruxe como era o diário... eis a palavra de JKR: "Harry definitivamente destruiu aquele pedaço de alma, você o viu tomar forma, você o viu ser destruído, foi-se. E Gina definitivamente não está possuída por Voldemort, de jeito nenhum." Resumindo, ela se sacrificaria por amor, e não por ser horcruxe.
* Nagini.... também não é um horcruxe pq Voldemort não guardaria um pedaço de sua alma em um ser-vivo que mesmo ele sendo ofidioglota, ele não tem pleno controle por onde ela anda e nem como ela está... Nagini, como qualquer ser vivo morrerá um dia... Voldy não seria tolo a ponto de fazer algo vivo um horcrux, a nao ser que fosse muito burro. Só fez Harry horcruxe por engano, não por que ele pretendia isso.
* Acredito que Sirius, não morreu... está em um sub-mundo além do véu... posso imaginar como está angustiado com o futuro de seu afilhado Harry...
* Gostaria que os pais do Neville se recuperassem e que ele ficasse com a Luna.
* Acredito que Harry Potter conseguirá destruir todas as horcruxes deixadas por Voldemort, porém, o que ele ainda não sabe é que ele mesmo é a última dessas horcruxes( está na sua cicatriz ) e para destruir Voldemort é necessário que ele se auto-destrua. Se a J.K. vai manipular a situação para que Harry morra ou não morra não sei, mas parece que esse é o caminho certo.
* Tia Petúnia e Tio Válter deveriam ficar extremamente pobres e precisando da ajuda de Harry, fazendo com que eles trabalhem no lugar dos Elfos domésticos em sua casa, prevendo que o F.A.L.E. dê certo e os elfos cobrem salários absurdos e realizem greves e motins por todos os lugares. Ah, e os Durleys devem dormir em um armário de vassouras na casa do Harry.
* Malfoy vai se aliar a HP, penso que ele está do lado do mal por pressão de seu pai, Lucius, comensal da morte...
* Harry e Gina ficarão juntos se HP sobreviver ( ou só ela pode morrer... por amor a ele, como fez Lilian Potter.)
* Rabicho é 1 personagem intrigante. Naquela noite que Harry descobriu que Perebas era na verdade Rabicho, e poupou-lhe a vida, impedindo que Lupin e Sirius o matasse, deixou no ar uma dúvida sinistra: Rabicho será útil a Harry no futuro? * A Fênix de Dumbledore, Fawkes, partiu no dia de sua morte com um canto triste, mas parece que ela voltará. Pesquisando a mitologia egípcia e chinesa, encontramos indícios que a fênix criada por J.K. seja uma mistura das duas, assim sendo, Fawkes viria a ser o símbolo da lealdade de Harry por Dumbledore e quem sabe seria ainda o símbolo do triunfo de Harry sobre Voldemort já que ela possui uma forte ligação com a varinha dos dois, tendo a pena de sua calda como elemento mágico, poderá ter importância fundamental no duelo final.(não como "Priori Incantatem",utilizado na noite em que Voldemort recuperou seu corpo).
* Aberforth Dumbledore:Apesar de ser irmão de Alvo Dumbledore, sabemos muita pouca coisa sobre esse misterioso homem. Só o que sabemos dele é que foi acusado de praticar feitiços impróprios numa cabra e que era membro da Ordem da Fênix. Ela pode ser o barman do bar Cabeça de Javali.
* Todos os segredos dos Potter serão revelados, inclusive a origem da fortuna deles e o segredo de Lílian será revelado por Remun Lupin
* Voldemort tentará atacar a escola, Harry poderá se sacrificar para destruir Voldemort. ( o final mais provável, pois Rowling disse que toda história tem final feliz e ninguém faz nada diferente... )
* A história deve acabar no aniversário de Harry, penso que Harry é o Herdeiro de Sonserina.
* Voldemort deve morrer com a sua própria varinha.
* Conheceremos os doze usos do sangue de dragão.
* Hermione e Neville se tornarão professores de Hogwarts
* Descobriremos finalmente porque algumas pessoas viram fantasma e outras não ( eu penso que os que tem uma boa morte, não viram fantasmas, e os que tem morte sofrida sim.)
* Bichento não é um animago ( muitos apostavam que seria Lílian Potter ) e Tiago pode ser o patrono de Harry.
* J.K Rowling deu uma dica sobre o mistério dizendo para todos prestarem atenção no detalhe da cor dos olhos de Harry, como eles são parecidos com os de sua mãe. Por que será?
* Rowling disse que mágica não trás as pessoas de volta a vida, por isso não poderemos ver Tiago e Lílian Potter vivos, mas que Harry verá ( ou seja, ela mais uma vez reforça a tese de que Harry morrerá junto com Voldemort no final, para a tristeza dos fãs. )
*HARRY POTTER NÃO MORRE. Ele se casa com Gina, e tem 2 ou 3 filhos.


quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011

Learn the ancient craft of Golden Snitch making

The Golden Snitch
Learn the ancient craft of Golden Snitch making

flying snitch

Perhaps you should wear gloves to make your Golden Snitch. After all it is usual for the snitch maker to do so, so that he or she does not touch the ball during manufacture. The snitch remembers who first touched it. In most cases this is the seeker who catches it, and it would do to have it confused by the touch of its maker.

william chases golden snitch

This snitch is very easy to make. It's made from two table tennis balls glued round each other and spray or painted with gold paint. I have tried three different types of gold finish: Brilliant Metallic spray (the best), gold marker pen (not bad) and regular gold spray paint (too dull for me). I didn’t try gold leaf, but I imagine that that would look amazing. If you want you can distress your finished snitch a slightly by painting some black acrylic paint on to the finished (and completely dry) snitch and the wiping it off so that the black stays in the cracks and corners. For me I think that the brand new shiny snitch looks better… I mean, doesn’t it look so cool.

golden snitch on velvet

Your full, How-to-Make a Golden Snitch instructions are available in both A4 and US Letter format PDFs and can be easily downloaded by just clicking on size you want to download.

make your own golden snitch fantastic craft downloads from dadcando download an A4 printable from dadcandodownload US Letter printable from dadcando


Your downloaded projects

yoyomax12's The Golden Snitch
Posted by yoyomax12 - My Golden Snitch. I used paper wings crimped and painted gold.Spacer
tristanzdad's The Golden Snitch
Posted by tristanzdad - Our second Dadcando project. My son loves his Snitch!Spacer
onegirl's The Golden Snitch
Posted by onegirl - I didn't follow your process exactly, but was inspired by it. The snitch had to open up - it contained the "clue" poem that the kids would need to start them off on a hunt for their spellbooks. Spacer
Escere's The Golden Snitch
Posted by Escere - I forgot to do the reverse image part... but that's ok.Spacer
juliet's The Golden Snitch
Posted by juliet - This is my second snitch model, made according to your instructions.Spacer
juliet's The Golden Snitch
Posted by juliet - this is my first model of a snitch which I made with a table-tennis ball and some gold easter-egg wrapping. For the wings, I stuck a tooth-pick down the center of the ball and taped paper wings to it Spacer
mustang2044's The Golden Snitch
Posted by mustang2044 - For the Wings i used craft feathers and trimed them to the right shape.Spacer
antigherkin's The Golden Snitch
Posted by antigherkin - Spacer

Make your own beatiful wizard's wand!!!

Wizard's Wands

Make your own beautiful wizard’s wand

make your own wizards wand

One of the first shops that Harry Potter visited when Hagrid took him to Diagon Alley was Ollivanders, the wand shop to buy his most important possession, his wand. Wands can be made from a variety of materials, after all Hagrid used an old umbrella as a wand! Yours will be made from paper. make your own wizards wandBut do not be deceived it will be every bit as magical as the real wands used in the film, and if you make it carefully will look just as good.
. . . Because glue is used on the paper to harden it, this wand is a made of a type of papier mache. You can paint your want in any colour you want, and the instructions show you how to make you wand look distressed (that is a technical term that furniture makers use to describe the process of artificially aging an item), and really ancient; fit for Harry Potter himself.
. . . The wand painting is built up in three layers. When painting the wand make sure you use paints that dry to be water proof, otherwise the next layer you put on will wipe off the previous layer. Paints you can use are acrylic, decorating emulsion (latex paint, US) and or spray paint.
. . . To create the gold highlights on the detailing you can use a gold felt pen, gold gel pen, gold nail varnish (if you’re careful) or if you want the exact gold effect shown in the photos, then you should use a special gold rubbing paste (I used a product called Gold Finger from Daler Rowney), which frame makers use to make picture frame look golden. But any thick gold paint will do and you can put it on with your finger, if you’re careful. For the really special silver metallic effect I used silver-leaf, you could also use gold-leaf. This isn’t expensive, and is not at all necessary, but it is nice to try it if you have the chance. (if you are going to use gold or silver leaf, then ask in the art shop or look on the web for instructions on how to apply it. It’s not hard, but you will need a small pot of gold size (an artists liquid glue that dries tacky).
. . . If you don’t have any of this stuff, then you can still make a lovely wand following the instructions, as you can see from the images below and even more in the wonderful wand images in the Your Models section. People have used great inventiveness to create their wands, they have used bits of wood or bark to trim then, used string or even cooked spaghetti instead of the glue gun patterning, and all manner of different types of paint and finishes to make their wands unique.

For a detailed set of instructions and an explanation of how to do the distressing, which is very easy and great fun, please see the instruction sheet which is available in both A4 and US Letter sizes. Just click on the size you want to download.


agkira's Wizard's Wands
Posted by agkira - Wands For a Harry Potter PartySpacer
MrHalbert's Wizard's Wands
Posted by MrHalbert - A box full of wands we made using this site's instructionsSpacer
smileyjen's Wizard's Wands
Posted by smileyjenSpacer
smileyjen's Wizard's Wands
Posted by smileyjenSpacer
vhydev's Wizard's Wands
Posted by vhydev - The Wand of Wolfwyck Proprieter( aka me...) JH Rackharrow. Spacer
tinascratch's Wizard's Wands
Posted by tinascratch - A closer look.Spacer
tinascratch's Wizard's Wands
Posted by tinascratch - This wand was made by spray-painting with black first, then painting with nail polish. This created a nice underlayer of black that shows through somewhat, especially in the crevices. The very end of the wand has a medium-sized blue craft gem. At the midpoint of the wand is an old sterling ring I found that was too large for me but the perfect size to put on the wand as the glue detailing was drying.Spacer
jinesta1's Wizard's Wands
Posted by jinesta1 - My design, a snake wand, the snake was made with paper and glue.Spacer
metasue's Wizard's Wands
Posted by metasue - This is one of many wands, multiple layer colors and designs... Christmas craft project!!!Spacer
snaily's Wizard's Wands
Posted by snailySpacer
adree441's Wizard's Wands
Posted by adree441 - i had to improvize on this cuz i didnt have enough glue and i still think it looks pretty good, don't you?Spacer
FoxxyFlame's Wizard's Wands
Posted by FoxxyFlame - These are the wands that I have made so far. I plan on making a bunch with several types of magical cores to giveaway before the next premier... Spacer
negra86's Wizard's Wands
Posted by negra86Spacer
teckner's Wizard's Wands
Posted by teckner - Just a little picture I took about a while ago. I couldnt find any other projects I had made and recently got a Mac after our hard drive crashed so we lost a lot of our picturesSpacer
danub's Wizard's Wands
Posted by danub - My boys and I had our first go at wands today. Top is mine red one is Dylans age 5, 3rd is Dawsons age 11 and the bottom is an extra we tried everything first on. We all had a blast on a rainy day and the boys did all their own painting. Thanks for a great project were all lookin forward to starting some more from your great site.Spacer
Stopdroproll's Wizard's Wands
Posted by Stopdroproll - Our favorite project was the wizard wands. We've made several for ourselves and friends and they've lasted a few years!Spacer
texasmacuser's Wizard's Wands
Posted by texasmacuserSpacer
scintnl's Wizard's Wands
Posted by scintnl - Spacer
TwinsisterWendy's Wizard's Wands
Posted by TwinsisterWendy - It is so easy to make!! We had a lot of fun trying all sorts of different painting techniques.. and we are not done yet! Making one for each Hogwarts teacher we have on our next Harry potter themecamp with the boy- and girlscouts!Spacer
bayoubooks's Wizard's Wands
Posted by bayoubooks - 16 Children completed wands and quills in the second session of our Hogwarts workshop! 7/24/09Spacer
AnnieG's Wizard's Wands
Posted by AnnieG - We made 8 as gifts which were well exclaimed over. :)Spacer
ella14's Wizard's Wands
Posted by ella14 - You can't see it. But when you are suppost to fill in the ends with glue gun, on top of the glue i put glow in the dark paint, because i didn't have the requirments for a real lumos wand. But it works just as good. Spacer
ella14's Wizard's Wands
Posted by ella14 - Spacer
davidst94's Wizard's Wands
Posted by davidst94 - Grettings from Venezuela!!... haha... Well i make this following the instructions... and creating my own model... Is based of Hermione's first movie wand.Spacer
yoyomax12's Wizard's Wands
Posted by yoyomax12 - I made an instructional video for YouTube based on the instructions. It is my most watched video. Thanks dadcando!!Spacer
samule's Wizard's Wands
Posted by samule - this is a selection of wands my son and i made with my little sisterSpacer
samule's Wizard's Wands
Posted by samule - we bent the handel slightly on this wand and a dded a prong from a plastic party fork to create this wand.Spacer
samule's Wizard's Wands
Posted by samule - we used a roldup ball of paper and some paper masha to do this voldermort wandSpacer
spoleweski's Wizard's Wands
Posted by spoleweskiSpacer
onegirl's Wizard's Wands
Posted by onegirl - Here's a picture of some of our wands - we made about 30 in totalSpacer
bika's Wizard's Wands
Posted by bika - I' think it's typical to harry potters' one Spacer
monkeybum's Wizard's Wands
Posted by monkeybumSpacer
scottswalwell's Wizard's Wands
Posted by scottswalwell - The kids and I have been busy! Here's a group shot of our wands.Spacer
hterice's Wizard's Wands
Posted by htericeSpacer
thorswolf's Wizard's Wands
Posted by thorswolf - After doing a few of the paper wands, we decided to try with wood instead. We collected wand quality wood (fighting off a few bowtruckles) and I polished the wood, then treated it with the Dadcando method.Spacer
cable98's Wizard's Wands
Posted by cable98 - My son and I made these wand and he donated them to be raffled off to help fund our school store. The store, sells items and uses the money to help children who are in need. They purchase school supplies, backpacks and warm winter coats, gloves, hats... whatever a child might need.Spacer
Silvercloud's Wizard's Wands
Posted by Silvercloud - I worked my wands a little different. First I started off just like the tutorial. Then I worked with papermache. The wands are stuffed with papertowel strips and PVA glue. That made them very stabil. Then I also covered them layer by layer with papermache strips. I then worked again with the tutorial using hot glue and different materials. Spacer
moonfire's Wizard's Wands
Posted by moonfire - My daughter requested blue and glitter!Spacer
sarahjanehorner's Wizard's Wands
Posted by sarahjanehorner - This is my wand, it was such an easy project and the wand looks really niceSpacer
moonfire's Wizard's Wands
Posted by moonfire - This was my first wand. My husband calls it my macaroni-and-cheese wand!Spacer
moonfire's Wizard's Wands
Posted by moonfire - This is a great way for us to recycle paper!Spacer
gourds's Wizard's Wands
Posted by gourds - This is my wand project. All my pictures are kinda blurry... There is a paintbrush, four plain paper tubes, a paper tube covered in hot glue, and my very first wand I ever tried that is a tube covered in hot glue, then painted, then more hot glue, and painted more. I thought it would be different colors but when it dried it just looks brown! Spacer
cihuacatzin's Wizard's Wands
Posted by cihuacatzin - we made this one together my kid was amazaed i surprise her!!! and basically it is made from a simple paperSpacer
pauljwallace's Wizard's Wands
Posted by pauljwallace - we adapted the plan by using cooked spaghetti to make the pattern! Spacer
merlyn's Wizard's Wands
Posted by merlyn - The wands are made of paper. The wand at the top is the first wand I made. The one underneath it with the sun pattern on it was achieved by scanning in ancient symbols through my computer. I then had to cut each symbol out, glue it to the wand before painting them gold. the third wand has a crystal in it. I've sold several of these wands to which all proceeds have gone to a no-kill animal shelter in Illinois; the project is called "Wands for Winnie" in honor of my late feline friend. Hope you all like the picture...MerlynSpacer
spoffk's Wizard's Wands
Posted by spoffk - I used the Wand Box pattern to make the box. I had some trouble getting the hot glue to go all the way down the paper tube, but it seemed pretty sturdy.Spacer
freetobandito's Wizard's Wands
Posted by freetobandito - These are my wands.Spacer
Jarrah's Wizard's Wands
Posted by Jarrah - Alira's wandSpacer
dragonboy10's Wizard's Wands
Posted by dragonboy10 - Wands are my favorite dadcando project.Spacer
lpriux's Wizard's Wands
Posted by lpriux - My Wand.Spacer
Galunen's Wizard's Wands
Posted by Galunen - I liked because it was my first!Spacer
mustang2044's Wizard's Wands
Posted by mustang2044 - To give it a more natural wood texture, I covered the wands in Elmer's wood putty and lightly sanded them down before using glue gun and painting.Spacer
Katlinkammers1's Wizard's Wands
Posted by Katlinkammers1Spacer
Sonwal's Wizard's Wands
Posted by Sonwal - This is my wizard's wandSpacer
mimbulus's Wizard's Wands
Posted by mimbulus - This is my wand, including the box.. Thanks for the tutorial..Spacer
dimps's Wizard's Wands
Posted by dimpsSpacer
cuechik's Wizard's Wands
Posted by cuechikSpacer
dramaticdruid's Wizard's Wands
Posted by dramaticdruid - This one is made from just the hot glue, and computer paper. I used markers first black, and then brown to create the wood look and then finished the accents with the rub 'n buff gold patina.Spacer
Escere's Wizard's Wands
Posted by Escere - Spacer
sallyGrist's Wizard's Wands
Posted by sallyGrist - here is a pic of a few of your infamous wands that I knocked up over the summer.Spacer
fzxguy's Wizard's Wands
Posted by fzxguy - What an amazing website! Your instructions are wonderful and easy to follow. I have almost no craft experience and was able to make this great looking wand and box in a couple of hours. Thanks!Spacer
koppel's Wizard's Wands
Posted by koppel - here is all my wands together, as you can see, i made a fewSpacer
jedififer's Wizard's Wands
Posted by jedififer - This is the wand I made the other day. With about a day, maybe a day and a half it is really easy to do. I liked the vine look and did the best I could do to recreate one. I used green glitter for the leaves, and gold paint for the vines. I used a walnut spray paint for the wood look.Spacer
xFayex's Wizard's Wands
Posted by xFayex - First attempt.. lilac/seafoam green are my favorite colors <3 I might do a green one to compliment this one ^^Spacer
bwente's Wizard's Wands
Posted by bwente - Nice examples! Great for inspiration. I used a pen that I got as a promotional item, that had a blue LED in it it that lit up when you pushed the top. I took it apart and extend the lengths by soldering longer wires to it. I was able to use the existing battery case and switch in to the bottom of the wand. I had the glue sticks on hand and some left over spray shellac and only had to buy 4 bottles of acrylic paint which I found in the discount bin. The faux wood/bark effect was made by running the hot glue tip back through the hardened glue. Thanks again, my daughter loves it.Spacer
harrypotter123's Wizard's Wands
Posted by harrypotter123 - This is my first project on this website.Spacer
alyssadelacour's Wizard's Wands
Posted by alyssadelacour - This wand has to be one of my best. I got the idea for the handle topper ( golden rose) from one of the pictures on here. Like it? I know I do, and to think, it only took me about 45 minutes!Spacer
mylie's Wizard's Wands
Posted by mylie - I use real wood for this wand. Spacer
OhAllison's Wizard's Wands
Posted by OhAllison - Spacer
antigherkin's Wizard's Wands
Posted by antigherkinSpacer
pixeltrash's Wizard's Wands
Posted by pixeltrash - These were so easy and fun to make! My 7-yo and I are making a HP tree for Christmas this year and plan to decorate it with all of the great wizard projects from your site! Thanks for the instructions!Spacer
nepenthe's Wizard's Wands
Posted by nepenthe - 2nd wand made which I gave to my daughter's friend for his birthday.Spacer
raisah's Wizard's Wands
Posted by raisah - My two wands for a Howgarts LARP ^_^Spacer
bitwit's Wizard's Wands
Posted by bitwit - A better look at the handle.Spacer
mattied's Wizard's Wands
Posted by mattied - The top two I used when I dressed up as a deatheater, and the other two for when I was myself in Gryffindor house.Spacer
cygni's Wizard's Wands
Posted by cygni - 'Sis posing with her wand before we went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixSpacer
Sugarplum's Wizard's Wands
Posted by Sugarplum - The "Flower Wand"Spacer
mommabryna's Wizard's Wands
Posted by mommabrynaSpacer

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